
Sino-Dutch Architects Consortium won the 3rd prize of Shandong (China) International Planning Competition

East-West Urban Consultancy (EWUC) has facilitated the cooperation between Shanghai Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd and Rotterdam architectural offices (Ja Joubert Architecture & Office Overzee). The consortium has been shortlisted for the international solicitation of urban design schemes for ecological pastoral towns in Shanghe New District, Yanghe Town, Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province (April 2023).

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Book Yangtze & Rhine river basins comparison study published

“Yangtze & Rhine River Basins 1950-2050, Mapping and comparing urbanisation, environmental pollution, climate adaptation and decarbonisation” is written by PBL Netherlands Environmental assessment Agency and China Academy of urban Planning and Research Institute, has been published in December 2022 by PBL Publisher. East West Urban Consultancy has translated the book into Chinese. The book is published in English and Chinese text combined.

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Lecture for Avans college- Department of building and infrastructure

On 9 October 2020, East West Urban Consultancy has given a lecture on resilient city development to the students of Avans college -Academy of building and infrastructure. The students are 4th year students from different disciplines: architecture, urban planning and civil engineer & water management The lecture started with the ..

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Research on COVID-19 & sustainable urban planning and city development

COVID-19 epidemy has changed our life and work tremendously, which has made us to think: how can we develop our cities more sustainably, how to use the natural resources, how to keep our environment and follow its’ own rules? Chinese cities have been in the frontier of researching COVID-19 epidemy and city development. In April 2020, Wuhan Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau has organized a research that consists most important cities in the world -how to react COVID-19 in the short period, what does it mean for the city structure, city infrastructure and government strategies and polices.

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Online lecturing – Newest Trend of Urban Planning in the Netherlands

East & West Urban consultancy is invited by Tongji University Urban Planning Institute, has given an online lecture on the recent development trends in the Netherlands on 31 March 2020. Resilient city development, circular economy, and public participation & planning are the most themes and trends in the Netherlands in recent years.

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Zhuhai Resilient City & Flood Prevention Training & Workshop

Under the EC-LINK project, Dutch experts Team (Amsterdam World Waternet, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management, Palm Bout Urban Landscape), together with a Chinese expert from China South Technology University have given a training on 20 November 2019 in Zhuhai about Resilient City Development’s principles, strategy and implementation. The experts have given following lectures:

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Public Participation Shishan Neighbourhood (Zhuhai)

In June 2019, on behalf of the EC-LINK project, a Dutch expert team (World waternet, Palmbout Urban Landscapes, Rijkswaterstaat) was invited by Zhuhai Xiangzhou District, Shihan Neighbourhood Committee to redesign different public squares. The goal is to revitalize the locations with the concept of resilient city development, also with the ..

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CCICED Roundtable Meeting the Hague

On 8 April 2019 the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) has hold a round table meeting in the Hague to discuss how urbanization processes and patterns might influence environmental improvement, in both China and elsewhere in the world. During these discussions, the Task Force on Green Urbanization and Environmental Improvementshowed preliminary results from its Special Policy Studies (SPSs). International experts from China, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Belgium have presented their research findings and case studies and reflected on the SPSs preliminary results, from the perspective of Chinese urban development towards 2035 and the key forces shaping it.

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