Beijing Urban Planning Institute Delegation visit the Netherlands

A delegation of six people from Beijing Urban Planning and Design Institute visited the Netherlands in early June and attended the Global Urban Future Summit 2024 held in Rotterdam with thousands of participants. Guided by the East  West Urban Consultancy, the delegation has visited the four major cities in Dutch metropolitan area – Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht on the themes of sustainable urban development, resilient city and green building.

During their stay in the Netherlands, the delegation has also visited Deltares and exchanged their ideas and experience. Dutch expert has introduced new cases of Dutch water defence systems and urban resilience development. The delegation has also compared the flood control and drainage systems with that in Chinese cities.

Through visits and exchanges, Chinese planning experts have a new understanding of sustainable development and carbon reduction in Dutch cities and have learned lots of experience. Such exchanges are very useful and will continue in the future.

Client: Beijing Planning and Design Institute

Our services: Organize the delegation’s visit schedule, send invitation letters and contact relevant Dutch and international organizations, guide the tour and explanation for the visiting projects.