Presentation at the International Water Week conference (Amsterdam)

Amsterdam International Water Week (4-8 November 2019) was a top event for all stakeholders & professions in sustainable water development from all countries in the world. It included an International Water Week conference, Aquatech exhibition, Aquatech Forum and Future Water Leaders Forum, attracted 25,000 professional participants.

During the 2 days’ International Water Week Conference, Ms. Xiaocun Ruan from East West Urban Consultancy has presented the EC-LINK pilot project Implementation Climate Resilience in Zhuhai -an integrated spatial development approach in different scale: Water security, assessment and quantification methodologies. The audience had a good impression of the EC-LINK project working on different scales and with different people.

Furthermore, Ms. Ruan also presented the Zhuhai case at the leaders forum – a round table discussion in order to listen to ideas from experts from other countries and thus to exchange experiences and learn from each other.